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Git & GitHub In-depth (Short Course)

Git & GitHub In-depth (Short Course)

In this Short Course*, we will provide a more in-depth look at Git and GitHub. Topics will include creating a simple repository and basic Git commands. Using our created repository, we will then cover important collaborative concepts, such as forking and making pull requests.

For this course, we will assume that you have a basic understanding of version control and have been introduced to Git and GitHub. There is no need to be fluent in Git or GitHub.

This course is intended to be highly interactive. In order to participate, please be sure that you have a GitHub account and a working version of Git available to you. If you need assistance with this, please attend CRDDS consult hours in advance of the session.

* What is a Short Course? An RC Short Course is a training that provides an in-depth understanding of a concept, system, or tool. You can expect to leave a "Short Course" with a solid grasp of the topic.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm
Norlin E206, Zoom (virtual meeting)
Dylan Gottlieb, Matthew Murray, Mohal Khandelwal
Norlin Library
Registration has closed.


Matthew Murray
Mohal Khandelwal
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Center for Research Data & Digital Scholarship